NSA Louisiana Flood Relief Fund

Last week, a wide region of Southern Louisiana was devastated by historic floods.  Over 30,000 people had to be rescued from floodwaters, and over 60,000 have been displaced from their homes.  Several have lost their lives, and that number will likely increase as the waters recede and rescue efforts continue.  Many people lost all they had, aside from the clothes they slept in the night before.

Baton Rouge and Lafayette – two cities with thriving NSA chapters – were hit particularly hard.  Several NSA members in each chapter escaped with their lives but have lost their homes forever.  There are likely more who have been affected, but communication has been difficult due to damage to cell towers, power outages, and limited access to internet.

A relief fund has been established to assist these NSA families as they rebuild.  This email is a request to the broader NSA community to further assist the NSA members in Baton Rouge and Lafayette who, at present, are desperately trying to figure out how to rebuild their lives.  Donations can be anonymous if you wish, and we ask that you only donate that with which you feel comfortable.   The funds will be divided up evenly among the NSA members across Baton Rouge and Lafayette who have been displaced.  Much of what was lost cannot be re-purchased, but a demonstration of support from their “second family” in the NSA may help ease their suffering and let them know that, as always, they are not alone.

NSA Louisiana Flood Relief Fund: www.gofund.me/2ky7wa4

Sincere thanks to Geoff Coalson, NSA Baton Rouge Chapter Leader for organizing this initiative.

Passing Twice will be at the NSA Conference July 6-10, 2016